Santiago de Compostella

A relaxing day in Santiago. The cathedral is out of action at the moment. You can still go in but everything is covered in plastic as they get ready for the holy year next year. Masses are held in a nearby church at 7 pm and in the pilgrim office chapel at 9.30 am each day.
We got our Compostella this afternoon. You are given a number and can check on q reader to see when it is your turn. We got number 537 and 538 at 9 am this morning and our numbers came up about 2.30 pm. More than 1000 pilgrims arriving each day from the various Caminos.
Waiting at the certificate office.

Our certificates. We got two each. The second one you pay €3 for and it records your distance. Steve's says 260 kms and Teresa's says 240 kms even though we walked the same!
We have met up with quite a few people again.

Sharing a celebratory wine with Beth and Holly from Northern California after we picked up our Compostella certificates.

Sitting in the Cathedral square watching pilgrims arriving. Lots of reunions as people recognise each other.

We have booked the bus back to Porto for midday tomorrow.


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