Chania day two

 What a lovely day in Chania. First brunch at Boheme, fried eggs 3, zucchini marinated in spearmint, carob, tomato pesto and potato puffs (fried potato gnocchi). Next an hours ride through Chania in the horse and carriage, ice creams, walk around the harbour, shopping, siesta, drinks on hotel deck overlooking the water, another short siesta, followed by dinner.

The horse is looking for a carrot at the end of the tour.
Brother and sister posing as 'stupid people'.

Erin and I wearing our purchases from Chania market.

Practicing a pose. So many posers among the tourists.


  1. Looks like a lovely day. Good posing team!

  2. Soph & Ames liked the 'stupid people' photo :)


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