Finisterre to Lires 13.7 km


Left our hotel at 8.30am after a bit of a lie in and breakfast. Only 14 kms to walk today. A misty morning again and cool but no rain. The mist, while obscuring views, adds to the ethereal atmosphere of the woods. 

Passed quite a few walkers. Pilgrims travel either direction on this Camino which is unusual. Some go to Muxia first and some to Finisterre and Muxia second which is the way we have done it. On reflection would choose the other direction.

Lires is a nice little town near the estuary. We will explore the beach around 5 pm. We are staying at Casa Lourido, (€50.00) a very nice traditional Spanish house. The woman who owns it could not be more welcoming. She speaks no English but we have managed.

Some pics from the way:

A small but busy timber mill in the pine woods.

Steve: I would like to have seen how this wardrobe was moved up to the second floor.

Had coffee at Liresca when we first arrived but their menu was expensive and the kitchen closed so went up the hill to albergue As Eiras for lunch. 

After showers and some relaxation walked along to Bar Braña overlooking the estuary. It is part of the ecoturismorio complex with nice chalet accommodation and an extensive menu plus other amenities. 

After drinks and dinner we caught up with a couple we have met along the way a few times. Will probably see them on the way tomorrow.

We left bar Braña by 8 to get an early night. Alda Veraz and Pincho Ponche duo were on from 9 pm but decided from the poster that we would give them a miss. Probably missing a great night.


Today's walk Finisterre to Lires. Tomorrow our last walk will be Lires to Muxia

Today's quote: "Resist people pleasing. We won't ever be able to make everyone happy and trying to do so can create resentments (within oneself)."

It's very hard to get lost on a Camino. The waymarkers are at almost every turn but when they are not these yellow arrows are painted on walls, roads, footpaths etc. If you look at the picture closely you will see a yellow arrow on the wall to the left and another on the right.


  1. Another very good quote. Following your blog it is ‘wetting’ our walking appetites. We’ll have to arrange a catch up once you’ve settled back home.


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