Lagrosa to Santa Marina 22.5km

 Set off at 7.30 after breakfast at the Albergue. Rejoined the Camino route at Negreira about 8.00 a.m. Being Sunday morning the town was quiet apart from a few people setting up stalls for the Sunday Market.

The mist lifted around 9.00 and we walked through woodland paths for 9.8km. and our first stop at Cafe A Pene Alto.

A long hot 12.7km. followed with little shelter from the sun. A short lie down under some trees to take off the shoes and socks and recharge part way.

You can still do the Camino with a baby.

Arrived at Santa Marina just before 4.00 p.m. Some of the walkers from yesterday were staying there so we enjoyed a long break at Casa Pepa with Larry and Eugene (Ireland) and  Lucia from Columbia, Lola from Spain, both living in Madrid and Maria from Spain living in Amsterdam. Two enjoyable hours with drinks, laughter and songs shared by Larry,  and Lucia - beautiful voices both. We hope to see Lucia, Lola and Maria in NZ in two years to celebrate their significant birthdays.

Our off Camino hotel then picked us up.

Stayed Casa Jurjo Excellent older style hotel. €56.00

Today's walk:

Daily quote: "You are never alone. You are loved. You do not need to carry the weight of the world on your little shoulders."


  1. Sounds like a fun Sunday afternoon in Spain relaxing after all that hot walking. 🌞🍻

  2. Forgot to change my name on my post. ⬆️

  3. Thanks Kirsty. Appreciate your comments. Hope all is going well in the Gray family.

  4. What a wonderful experience ,Looks like you are throughly enjoying yourselves

  5. We do love the lifestyle in spite of the fact we are absolutely had it at the end of each day. 😊


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