
Showing posts from September, 2019

A day in Porto

After completing the Camino we decided we needed some days of relaxation before meeting up with Kirsty and Patrick's families in Paris. Today we have done a little bit of shopping, Teresa got a haircut and Steve bought a new outfit: shirt, trousers and jersey. The saleswoman wanted to sell him a jacket as well but he resisted. After lunch at a cafe on the Porto Riberia we took the 6 bridges boat cruise. Now relaxing at our hotel before heading back across the river for maybe some port tasting and dinner. Apologies for the quality of some of the photos that follow. We sat inside for the river cruise and took photos through the window. This morning started off foggy and a little cool.  My Porto hairdresser, €23 for shampoo cut and blow dry.  The salon - upstairs - recommended if you are ever in Porto. Two of the six bridges were designed by the French engineer Eiffel. Guess which ones! Rail bridge specially designed so train cannot fall off the br

Santiago de Compostella

A relaxing day in Santiago. The cathedral is out of action at the moment. You can still go in but everything is covered in plastic as they get ready for the holy year next year. Masses are held in a nearby church at 7 pm and in the pilgrim office chapel at 9.30 am each day. We got our Compostella this afternoon. You are given a number and can check on q reader to see when it is your turn. We got number 537 and 538 at 9 am this morning and our numbers came up about 2.30 pm. More than 1000 pilgrims arriving each day from the various Caminos. Waiting at the certificate office. Our certificates. We got two each. The second one you pay €3 for and it records your distance. Steve's says 260 kms and Teresa's says 240 kms even though we walked the same! We have met up with quite a few people again. Sharing a celebratory wine with Beth and Holly from Northern California after we picked up our Compostella certificates. Sitting in the Cathedral square watching pilgrims ar

Day 13 Padron to Santiago de Compostella 25.5 kms

We went to bed last night thinking that we would train into Santiago but when we woke late this morning the weather was fine and there was an encouraging email from Dominic which helped us to resist the temptation of the railway station right opposite our hotel room in Padron. We set out at 9.30 am after coffee and croissants at the hotel. A coolish 14°. It was a lovely days walk. Photos follow. We stopped for second breakfast of eggs and bacon just before noon at Milagrosa and, apart from a short break to change the socks and check the feet (all good), we walked straight on to Santiago. We were a bit foot sore and weary when we arrived so we stopped at a cafe to refresh before reaching our hostel at 5.50 pm. A rest and showers before we head to the pilgrim office which closes at 9 pm. Will visit the cathedral in the morning. Dinner and an early night will be priority now.  Getting our second to last stamp in our credential in the sacristy of the church. Lighting a votive

Day 12 Caldas de Reis to Padron 20.4 km

Left at 8.45 after breakfast at the cafe of one of the hotels which was open on Sunday morning. Cloudy but no rain. A good walking day as not too hot and a lot of shade and natural pathways.  Many of the fellow pilgrims have become familiar acquaintances as you are all going in the same direction, often staying in the same towns and eating out in the evenings. Cafe break after 9 kilometers crowded but the staff in the bars and cafes here manage the rush with good humour and service.  Teresa and Katya from Poland. CRONIN REUNION: Steve and Alan Cronin from Dublin. Arrived at Padron by 3.00 checked into Hotel Rosalia opposite the railway station. Went to mass at the historic convent at 8.00 p.m. and back to the hotel for dinner. Convento do Carme Padron Peppers. One in twenty are chilli hot, a fun surprise when you get the hot one. Only 25.5km  to go to Saintiago de Compostella.